PCD Tools, Why Buy Polycrystalline Diamond Tools?

22 Jul 2022 by AmaraiMyers

You might see the price and wonder why you would choose a Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) tool instead of a solid-carbidide tool. And, quite simply PCD tools are much more costly and solid carbide tools are very reliable.

However it’s fair to say that for the greatest cutting results, every material needs the ideal tool companion. Have you ever tried to cut fire resistant MDF with an instrument made of solid carbide? We recommend solid carbide tools for most instances, but there are some situations (like fire resistant MDF) where these tools will burn out after cutting a couple of sheets. However, A sundi tools, however, will continue to cut sheet after sheet.

Let’s start by looking at the tools PCD is.

PDC is a synthetically created diamond material that is similar in its structure to natural diamond. PCD tools consist of synthetic diamonds that are sintered with a binder made of metal at extremely high temperatures. It is then bonded to a tungsten carbide substrate. This is what makes diamond one of the most difficult materials to cut.

PCD is a mixture of the durability, hardness, as well as the high thermal conductivity (high thermal conductivity) of diamond, as well as the toughness of titanium carbide.

top tools for cutting fire resistant MDF

What are the advantages?

Are diamonds really everyone’s best friend? (when cutting anyway?)

A pcbn tools will last longer than any other kind of tool provided it is utilized correctly. It is easy to pay off the cost of initial purchase by enjoying a greater life span and stunning finish.

Strong and durable – ideal for cutting abrasive materials.

Tool life is longer – because of the hard edge, PCD tools offer a greater wear resistance than other tools.

A shorter time to break down due to the long-lasting nature of the tool, you will need to change them less and purchase them less. Also, they require less sharpening, which leads to longer cutting time.

Surface finish Surface finish PCD Tools provide a fantastic finish to the surface of often difficult to work with materials, since they keep their sharp cutting edge longer.

What are the uses and are they worth the more on PCD tools?

The PCD tools are employed to cut abrasive material like aluminium, copper and composite panels. They are able to take on the wear of other tools. They can also be used to cut MDF that is resistant to fire. The material is able to quickly destroy the carbide-hard tools.


It’s something we say a lot, but the truth is that each job needs the appropriate tool. The right tool for the job will bring you the best outcomes. When cutting abrasive or material that is resistant to fire pcd drill will give you the most consistent results while not having to regularly change the tool because of burn out or breakage.

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